Samsong – Chukwu Okike

Samsong – Chukwu Okike

Samsong Chukwu Okike Mp3

Samsong Chukwu Okike Mp3 Download Fakaza Gospel. Samsong presents this deep spiritual message captioned Chukwu Okike.

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DOWNLOAD Mp3: Samsong – Chukwu Okike

Lyrics: Chukwu Okike

Ooh just raise your hands to worship himHow can I stop to describe
The wonders of your hands
Your power and your might
How can I stop to describe
The wondrous things you’ve done
And all the battles won
The mountains and the hills bow before you
Kings of the earth cast their crowns before you
The leaves of the trees clap their hands
Cause your praises will never endEzemo thank you great and praise
The reign of your power will never end
It’s forever and everChukwu creator Chimara obi mo
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
God created the universe
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
To be glorious is to be great
There is no one like you oh oh God is the creator of God
There is no one like you
There is no one like you and no one like you
God created the universe
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
To be glorious is to be glorious is to be glorious oh is great oh
There is no one like you
To be glorious is to be great
There is no one like you. God is the Creator
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
God the Creator God the Creator God the heart
There is no one like you
There is no one like you. There is no one like you
There is no one like you there is no one like you oh oh oh oh oh
To be glorious is to be glorious is to be mysterious is to be great
There is no one like you
To be glorious is the mystery of a great king
There is no one like you to greet a hero
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
There is no one like you. God is the Creator
There is no one like you
There is no one like you